The lid of the box lifts up and becomes a pedestal so that the game can be displayed. The pieces of the tangram, an ancient Chinese puzzle, are made of marbles of different colours so as to create a sort of modifiable inlay. On the bottom of the box printed on the leather is a texture made up of some of the possible figures that can be created with the Tangram pieces.
The wooden box opens like a case and reveals a small tray containing the dominoes for playing dominoes. Instead of the classic numbers, the different colours of the leather characterise the different values. Four solid oak profiles hidden in the bottom of the box allow the pawns to be arranged in order.
As with the Tangram also for the Tris, the lid of the box lifts up and becomes a pedestal. The Tris pawns are made three-dimensional and transformed into small sculptures made of precious alabaster.
The leather-covered wooden box opens to reveal two small leather trays with wooden inserts in which the chess pieces are arranged. At the front is a soft leather chessboard which, thanks also to two brass weights hidden inside, can be conveniently rolled out on the top.
Design with Antonio de Marco